Truck Accidents — Gibby Andry Law

truck accidents

The tremendous difference in size and weight between tractor trailers and motor vehicles often turns into disaster for motorists. It has been estimated that as many as 10% of all fatal accidents are caused by semi-trucks.

An 18-wheel truck usually weighs over 80,000 lbs. and may be over 70 feet long. Because of this tremendous difference in size, big rigs cause issues that are different in lawsuits: for instance, it takes a 40-ton semi-truck driving at 10 miles above the speed limit an extra 100 feet to stop. In many cases, this failure to brake correctly explains why large trucks are involved in many fatal accidents.

Victims who survive a semi-truck accident may have severe injuries requiring years of recovery or a lifetime of care. In consultation with medical experts, we assist families with creating a life care plan that covers future surgery, physical therapy, home modifications and other long-term needs, including at-home nursing assistance and other aides.

Big rig accident victims can also collect for lost wages, medical expenses and future earning potential, pain and suffering and loss of enjoyment.

Gibby Andry knows what to look for when analyzing catastrophic trucking accidents. He is familiar with the unique issues that arise, the federal regulations and commercial insurance issues that are involved, and the accident reconstruction problems that are unique to big-rig accidents.

If you, a member of your family, or someone close has been severely injured in an accident involving a semi-truck or tractor trailer, you should contact our Louisiana truck accident lawyers today.

CALL DAY OR NIGHT, (504) 522-1000 OR (855) 88-GIBBY
Gibby Andry’s law office is available 24 hours a day to take calls from clients and Gibby Andry personally handles your case. We offer free consultations . Contact our New Orleans, LA office at (504) 522-1000 or (855) 88-GIBBY to discuss your severe truck accident or fatal accident claim.

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